Thursday, May 27, 2010

I Promise

I will be the first to admit that I was pretty apprehensive when " I Promise" was first introduced in our connect group. I was all over it and was convinced this was another self-help marriage book like Dr. Gray's Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. Worst still when the author of this particular book was also named Dr. Gray.

I did not want to read the book not out of fear or arrogance, but rather I assume this was going to be the same ol, same ol stuff that all those motivational dudes are writing these days.

But alas I was pretty surprise after going through some of the lessons I found out this book/lesson to be rather insightful. The principals are biblical, the common sense is there and the case studies, well spot on. Which made me research deeper into the lesson and book. Mind you I am only at chapter 2. This is what it says. I promise to confirm my beliefs to God's Truths. What a great promise. The author writes, All escalated arguments are really just your attempt to change your mate and their attempt to change you, how true is that!. It also goes to say that all addictions are nothing more than a person trying to medicate the pain they are having with weak relationships.

And he shares the secret which is rather awesome. It is not what happens to you that determines your happiness or your quality or life. Your quality of life comes directly from the beliefs you have in your heart.

Quote: Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.

Quote: Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.

All I can say is this, this lesson or book has greatly open up areas in me that I never thought about. Open up hidden areas towards my wife and kids. It is like that light bulb that goes * BLINK* above your head.

Go get the book if you want to get more out of your marriage, if you want more security from your marriage, happiness, love, sense of comfort and to stay together not just for the sake of the kids but rather because you are still deeply in love with your mate. Trust me it's worth every penny. Instead of doing the trial and error thing in your marriage which is something I wouldn't recommend go get the book.

To finish this off I offer you more insights to the book.

Four Ways to guard your heart.
1. Identify any areas in your life that does not reflect God's Love. E.g Thoughts of anger, Lust, Envy, Arrogance, Rage, Contempt....etc

Galatians: 5:13 For you have been called to live in freedom- not freedom to satisfy your sinful nature, but freedom to serve one another in love.

2. Find a Bible verse that addresses the behaviour that needs to change.
3. Commit it to memory (Memory Verse)
4. Repeat, Live, Eat & Breathe it.

Finally, Guard Your Heart, above all other things, because out of it comes who you are.


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